Here goes the tale of a teacher who broke 12 canes on her students' backs. Their fault - they couldn't easily grasp a lesson.


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Breaking cane on a student's back is too much.  Just six strokes or less would suffiuce for one student.  A single cane could be used for entire class. Moreover, every student has different grasping power. This cannot be increased by caning. Caning needs be resorted for indiscipline and not for slow learning.  

G. K. Ajmani Tax consultant

Gulshan Kumar Ajmani wrote:

Breaking cane on a student's back is too much.  Just six strokes or less would suffiuce for one student.  A single cane could be used for entire class. Moreover, every student has different grasping power. This cannot be increased by caning. Caning needs be resorted for indiscipline and not for slow learning.  

This knowledge that canning is not the solution for boosting the child's intelligence, is known to you. And known to me. But the teacher doesn't know. That is a pity.


Thank you said by: Gulshan Kumar Ajmani
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